Yoga: Eagle arms side
Exercise Description:
Yoga: Eagle arms side
Begin by standing in mountain pose, feet together toes spread, kneecaps lifted, tailbone tucked up, abdominals lifted, chest lengthened, crown lifting towards the sky. Inhale and reach the arms out to the side and place the weight over to the right foot. Slowly lift the left leg and hook the left foot behind the right calf. Sit back into the hips and keep lifting up from pelvic floor muscles and abdominals. Keep the eyes focused on one point and keep the breath flowing. Place the right elbow in front and draw the left arm underneath pressing palms together. Draw the shoulders down away from the ears and the elbows away from the body. Sit the hips back and keep the chest lifted, spine tall.
Side Note:
Strengthens the ankles, calves, quadriceps, glutes and lower back. Improves balance, focus and concentration. Improves the flexibility of the rotator cuff musculature and hips.