Yoga: Half moon
Abdominal Core
Exercise Description:
Yoga: Half moon
Abdominal Core
Begin in Tadasana mountain pose. Pivot the right foot to the right. Bend the right knee and slowly lower the right hand onto a foam block or onto the floor. Inhale and contract the abdominals, lift the pelvic floor muscles and float the left leg and left arm up towards the sky. Stack the hips on top of one and other imagining the hips, the legs, the arms, shoulders and the head are against a wall. You may use a wall to first experience this pose. The wall will help to establish and strengthen you in the half moon posture. Keep both legs and arms straight. Open the toes and press all for corners of the right foot into the floor either look down to the floor, look straight ahead or look up towards the sky. Keeps the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles contracted. Find a point to focus on. This will help to establish you in the pose. Continue to open the left hip and left shoulder towards the sky. For more advanced, grip the left foot with the left hand. This pose moves you into the half moon single leg bow. Gently push your left foot towards the left hand and allow the spine to gently arch. Stay light on the right fingertips. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Side Note:
Strengthens the ankle, knee, hip, abdominals and lower back. Improves focus, balance and concentration. Deeply stretches the hamstrings, inner thigh, hips, shoulders and chest musculature. Tones the abdominals and lower back. Tones the lumbar and sacrum spine relieving backache. Improves circulation to the feet and helps to relieve sciatica. Increases the suppleness of the spine.