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TheraGear Staff
TheraGear Exercise #446

Yoga: Intermediate to beginner warrior three


Yoga: Intermediate to beginner warrior three 1Yoga: Intermediate to beginner warrior three 2

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Intermediate to beginner warrior three


Begin by placing the right foot on the floor and slowly lift the left leg behind you. Spread the right toes pushing down through all four corners of the foot. Bring the chest and the back leg parallel to the floor. Reach the arms behind you, palms facing in towards you. Pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Draw the shoulders away from the ears and open the chest. Gently tuck the chin in lengthening the cervical vertebrae. Maintain this poise for 5 to 10 deep breaths.

Side Note:
Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip stabilizers. Strengthens the thigh, glutes, lower back and abdominals. Improves balance, focus and concentration.

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