Yoga: Reverse plank with strap
Exercise Description:
Yoga: Reverse plank with strap
Come into a sitting position, legs extended. Now place the strap around the lower thighs and tighten the strap until legs are completely together. Place the hands now behind the body, fingertips facing forward and hands underneath shoulders. Point the toes and inhale, contract your abdominals, lift your pelvic floor muscles extending the hips up towards the sky. If the neck is strong and flexible release the head back. Keep the soles of the feet pressing down into the floor as well as palms pressing down to open the shoulders. Keep the hips lifted up towards the sky. Stay strong through the abdominals and keep lifting the pelvic floor muscles. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, lower back, abdominals, thighs, hamstrings and calves. Increases the flexibility of the neck, shoulders, chest and wrists. Invigorates the mind. Helps to alleviate fatigue. Deeply strengthens the legs, lower back and arms. Tones the internal organs.