Yoga: Supine spinal twist

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Supine spinal twist
Lie on your back on the floor facing up towards the sky. Inhale and raise the right knee towards the chest. Place the left hand to the outside of the right knee and extend the right arm out to the side. Look to the right. Inhale and pull the knee towards the chest. Exhale and guide the left knee over to the right with the left hand. Keep the right shoulder, elbow and arm glued to the floor. The left leg stays straight, the right palm faces up towards the sky. If the left knee and foot do not reach the floor, place a foam block underneath the left knee. Stay in this posture for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Side Note:
Massages and tones the internal organs. Stretches the shoulder, chest, lower back, hip, middle spine and upper back. Alleviates pain or stiffness in the lower back and spine. Helps to treat disorders of the kidneys, liver, spleen and gallbladder. Energizes the spine and calms the mind. Helps to alleviate hip and knee pain.