Yoga: Wide leg down dog

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Wide leg down dog
Begin by coming onto the hands and knees, hands are shoulder-width apart knees are hip-width apart. Tuck the toes under and inhale, lift the hips towards the sky straightening the arms and straightening the legs. Bring the feet to the side and widen the stance, big toes are gently facing in and heels are facing out. Lift the tailbone up towards the sky and drop the chest down towards the floor. Spread all fingers and thumbs, gently pushing down through all four corners of the palms. Rotate the shoulder blades away from one and other opening the upper back and drop the ribcage down. Push the outsides of the feet down into the floor as well as the big toes and heels. Most of the weight should be in heels as the hips lift towards the sky. Take 5 to 10 long deep breaths here.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the inner thighs, hamstrings, shoulders and back. Strengthens the shoulders, ankles and legs. Increases blood flow to the brain and removes fatigue increasing energy. Elongates the spine and improves the posture. Increases the mobility and flexibility of the abductors and groin musculature.