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TheraGear Staff
TheraGear Exercise #519

Yoga: Forward bend with strap


Yoga: Forward bend with strap 1Yoga: Forward bend with strap 2

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Forward bend with strap


Begin by sitting on the floor with legs extended. Place the legs 6 inches apart toes lifted thighs engaged. Place the strap to the insole of the feet gripping on with both hands. Begin with an erect spine. Gently press the sitting bones and backs of the knees down towards the floor, lengthen the spine and lift the crown up towards the sky. Inhale reach the chest up towards the sky exhale lower the chest down towards the thighs maintaining a straight spine. Resist the temptation of dropping the head down towards the knees. Rather, look over top of the feet and allow the chest to reach over top of the thighs. Move the shoulder blades down the spine keeping the shoulders away from the ears. Relax the face and the upper body. Keep working the backs of the knees into the floor as you bend forward from the hips. Consciously breathe into the lower back hamstrings and spine. Stay here for 5 to 15 deep breaths.

Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the hamstrings, calves, lower back and sacroiliac joint. Reduces pain in lower back, hips and spine. Relieves chronic headaches and migraines. Relaxes the thyroid gland and improves blood circulation to the pelvic region. Tones the internal organs. Reduces anxiety and fatigue. Sharpens the memory and softens the mind. Stretches the ligaments of the spine and strengthens the tibial joints.

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