Yoga: Table with strap

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Table with strap
Begin in a seated position, knees bent. Now loop the strap around the lower thighs and tighten until knees and ankles are aligned. There should be slight tension so the knees cannot go wider than ankles. Place the hands behind the body fingertips facing forward and inhale. Lift the hips towards the sky, pushing evenly down through all four corners of the feet and hands. Only if the neck is strong, release the head back looking behind you otherwise keep the chin tucked in and keep lifting the hips higher than the chest. Keep the navel pulled in towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Press down into the hands to open the shoulders. Keep the knees over top of the ankles and the hands underneath the shoulders. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Strengthens the wrists, shoulders, lower back, hips, thighs and ankles. Opens the throat and increases the flexibility in the neck. Tones the spine and strengthens the abdominals and pelvic organs. Stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands. Increases the blood circulation in the spine.