Yoga: Upright bow/wheel

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Upright bow/wheel
Lie on your back on the floor. Bend the knees and pull the heels towards the buttocks. Bring the feet into a slightly pigeon toed position. Place the feet so that they align with your hips. Bend the elbows and place them behind the head. Palms are flat on the floor on either side of the head. Fingers pointing towards the shoulder blades. Gently press down through the palms and the feet and slowly push your shoulder blades back and lift the hips up off the floor and place the crown of the head on the floor. Take 5 breaths here. Pull the navel in towards the spine, lift the pelvic floor muscles and inhale shift your weight from your palms to the front of your feet and push the torso up in one single movement. The weight should be equally distributed on the hands and the feet. You can add the strap by placing it around the legs, just above the knees. This will help to build you into the full upward bow position. Hold the posture for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Tones the internal organs and the spine. Strengthens the ankles, legs, spine, shoulders and wrists. Stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands. Stretches the abdominals, shoulders, hips, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and legs. Eases menstrual cramps. Increases the blood circulation throughout the body.