Yoga: Upward facing dog with blocks

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Upward facing dog with blocks
Lie prone on the floor place the hands behind the shoulders and the big toes together. Inhale push evenly down through your hands and lift the chest up keeping the hips gently pushing down towards the floor. Relax the buttocks and the legs. Lift the hips and thighs off the floor, pushing the tops of the feet into the ground. Roll the shoulders back and down, keep the shoulders away from the ears. Look up, relax the face, release the lower jaw. Strongly push down through all four fingers, palms and thumbs, keep the arms straight. Remain here for 5 to 10 breaths.
Side Note:
Rejuvenates the spine increasing blood supply to the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine. Strengthens wrists, arms and shoulders. Strengthens the lungs by increasing lung capacity.